Rabies - Bulletin - Europe

WHO Collaborating Centre for Rabies Surveillance & Research

Rabies paper and article



Freuling, Conrad Martin; Busch, Frank; Vos, Adriaan; Ortmann, Steffen; Lohr, Frederic; Hedimbi, Nehemia; Peter, Josephat; Nelson, Herman Adimba; Shoombe, Kenneth; Shilongo, Albertina; Gorejena, Brighton; Kaholongo, Lukas; Khaiseb, Siegfried; van der Westhuizen, Jolandie; Dietze, Klaas; Geurtse, Goi; Müller, Thomas; Banyard, Ashley C.. ”Oral rabies vaccination of dogs—Experiences from a field trial in Namibia" PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2022, 16(8)


Freuling, Conrad Martin; Klein, Antonia; Müller, Thomas. “Fledermäuse und Tollwut.” Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Goslar, 2022, 14(1)


Klein, Antonia; Eggerbauer, Elisa; Potratz, Madlin; Zaeck, Luca M.; Calvelage, Sten; Finke, Stefan; Müller, Thomas; Freuling, Conrad M.. “Comparative pathogenesis of different phylogroup I bat lyssaviruses in a standardized mouse model.” PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis., 2022, 16(1)


Marcin, Smreczak; Orłowska, Anna; Trębas, Paweł; Stolarek, Agnieszka; Freuling, Conrad Martin; Müller, Thomas. “Re-emergence of rabies in Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Poland, 2021.” Zoonoses Public Health, 2022, 70(1)


Müller, Thomas; Gall, Yvonne; Weinandy, Herbert; Freuling, Conrad Martin; Leipziger Tierärztekongress; 11 (Leipzig) : 2022.07.07-09. “Regelungen zur Tollwut im neuen EU-Tiergesundheitsrecht.” 11. Leipziger Tierärztekongress 2022


Müller, Thomas; Hassel, Rainer; Jago, Mark; Khaiseb, Siegfried; van der Westhuizen, Jolandie; Vos, Adriaan; Calvelage, Sten; Fischer, Susanne; Marston, Denise A.; Fooks, Anthony R.; Höper, Dirk; Freuling, Conrad Martin. 2022. “Rabies in kudu: Revisited.” Advances in virus research 2022, 112


Müller, Thomas; Rupprecht, Charles C.; Fooks, Anthony R.; Both, Leo; Smith, Samuel P.; Gibson, Andrew P.; Lohr, Frederic; Fahrion, Anna; Freuling, Conrad Martin. 2022. “Elimination of Rabies – A Missed Opportunity.” Sing (Hg.) 2022 – Zoonoses: Infections Affecting Humans


Schütz, Anne K.; Krause, E. Tobias; Fischer, Mareike; Müller, Thomas; Freuling, Conrad M.; Conraths, Franz J.; Homeier-Bachmann, Timo; Lentz, Hartmut H.K. 2022. “Computer Vision for Detection of Body Posture and Behavior of Red Foxes.” Animals 2022, 3


Smreczak, Marcin; Orłowska, Anna; Müller, Thomas; Freuling, Conrad Martin; Kawiak-Sadurska, Magdalena; Trębas, Paweł. 2022. “Vaccine-induced rabies in a red fox in Poland.” Journal of veterinary research 2022, 66(4)



Fooks, A.R., R. Shipley, W. Markotter, N. Tordo, C.M. Freuling, T. Müller, L. McElhinney, A.C. Banyard, and C.E. Rupprecht. 2021. “Renewed Public Health Threat from Emerging Lyssaviruses.” Viruses 2021, 13(8), 1769


Klein, A., S. Calvelage, K. Schlottau, B. Hoffmann, E. Eggerbauer, T. Müller, C.M. Freuling. 2021. “Retrospective Enhanced Bat Lyssavirus Surveillance in Germany between 2018-2020.” Viruses 2021, 13(8), 1538


Molini, Umberto; Hassel, Rainer; Ortmann, Steffen; Loschke, Malaika; Shilongo, Albertina; Freuling, Conrad M.; Müller, Thomas. 2021. "Immunogenicity of the Oral Rabies Vaccine Strain SPBN GASGAS in Dogs Under Field Settings in Namibia." Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2021


Schütz, A.K., V. Schöler, , T. Krause, M. Fischer, F.J. Conraths, C.M. Freuling, T. Müller, M. Stanke, T. Homeier-Bachmann, H. Lentz. 2021. “Application of YOLOv4 for detection and motion monitoring of red foxes.” Animals (Basel)¸ 2021 Jun 9;11(6):1723.


Smith, T.G., A.R. Fooks, S.M. Moore, C.M. Freuling, T. Müller, R.M. Wallace. “Negligible risk of rabies importation in dogs thirty days after demonstration of adequate antibody titer.” Vaccine. 2021 Apr 28;39(18):2496-2499.


Calvelage, S., C.M. Freuling, A.R. Fooks, D. Höper, D.A. Marston, L. McElhinney, T.B. Rasmussen, S. Finke, M. Beer, T. Müller. “Full-genome Sequences and Phylogenetic Analysis of Archived Danish European Bat Lyssavirus 1 (EBLV-1) Emphasize a Higher Genetic Resolution and Spatial Segregation for Sublineage 1a.” Viruses 2021, 13, 634.


te Kamp, V., V. Friedrichs, C.M. Freuling, A. Vos, P. Schuster, C. Kaiser, S. Ortmann, A. Kretzschmar, K. Bobe, M. Potratz, A. Klein, L. Zaeck, E. Eggerbauer, M. Knittler, A. Dorhoi, S. Finke, T. Müller. “Comparable long-term rabies immunity in foxes after intramuscular and oral application using a third-generation oral rabies virus vaccine.” Vaccines (Basel). 2021 Jan 14;9(1):49


Calvelage, S., N. Tammiranta, T. Nokireki, T. Gadd, E. Eggerbauer, L. Zaeck, M. Potratz, C. Wylezich, D. Höper, T. Müller, S. Finke, C.M. Freuling. “Genetic and antigenetic characterization of the novel Kotalahti bat lyssavirus (KBLV).” MDPI Viruses. MDPI Viruses 2021 Jan 06





Potratz, M., L.M. Zaeck, C. Weigel, A. Klein, C.M. Freuling, T. Müller, S. Finke. 2020. “Neuroglia Infection by Rabies Virus after Anterograde Virus Spread in Peripheral Neurons.” Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2020 Nov 23;8(1):199.


Wallace, R. M., F. Cliquet, C. Fehlner-Gardiner, A. R. Fooks, C. Sabeta, A. Aguilar Setién, C. Tu, V. Vuta, B. Yakobson, D. K. Yang, G. Brückner, C. Freuling, L. Knopf, A. Metlin, P. Pozzetti, P. P. Suseno, S. Shadomy, G. Torres, M. A. N. Vigilato, B. Abela-Ridder, T. Müller. “Role of oral rabies vaccines in the elimination of dog-mediated human rabies deaths.” Emerg Infect Dis. 2020 Dec;26(12):1-9.


Leelahapongsathon, K., S. Kasemsuwan, V. Friedrichs, P. Phawaphutayanchai, K. Bobe, N. Aiyara, C.M. Freuling, T. Müller, A. Vos, T. Pinyopummintr, K. Chanachai. “Immune response of Thai dogs after oral vaccination against rabies with the SPBN GASGAS vaccine strain.” Vaccines (Basel). 2020 Oct 1;8(4) 


Freuling, C.M., A. Breithaupt, T. Müller, J. Sehl, A. Balkema-Buschmann, M. Rissmann, A. Klein, C. Wylezych, D. Höper, K. Wernike, A. Aebischer, D. Hoffmann, V. Friedrichs, A. Dorhoi, M. Beer, T.C. Mettenleiter. 2020. “Susceptibility of raccoon dogs for experimental SARS-CoV-2 infection.” Emerg Infect Dis. 2020 Dec;26(12) 


Begeman, L., R. Suu-Ire, A. Banyard, C. Drosten, E. Eggerbauer, C. Freuling, L. Gibson, H. Goharriz, D. Horton, D. Jennings, D. Marston, Y. Ntiamoa-Baidu, S. Riesle Sbarbaro, D. Selden, E. Wise, T. Kuiken, A. Fooks, T. Müller, J. Wood and A. Cunningham. 2020. “Experimental Lagos bat virus infection in straw-colored fruit bats: a suitable model for bat rabies in a natural reservoir species.” PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2020 Dec 15;14(12) 


Athingo, R., T. Tenzin, A. Coetzer, E. H. Hikufe; J. Peter, L. Hango, T. Haimbodi, J. Lipinge, F. Haufiku, M. Naunyango, M. Kephas, A. Shilongo, K. K. Shoombe, S. Khaiseb, M.  Letshwenyo, P. Pozzettii, L. Nake, L. Nel, C. M. Freuling, T. Müller and G. Torres. 2020. “Application of the GARC Data Logger - a custom-developed data collection device - to capture and monitor mass dog vaccination campaign in Namibia.” PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2020 Dec 28;14(12)


Baker, L., J. Mathiopoulos, T. Müller, C. Freuling, K. Hampson. 2020. “Local rabies transmission and regional spatial coupling in European foxes.” PLoS One. 2020 May 29;15 


Morgenroth, A., V. Jakel, H. Hanke-Robinson, T. Müller, C. Freuling, K. Cussler, K. Duchow, B. Krämer, M. Bastian. 2020. “Novel Electrophoretic Immunoblot as Antigen Desorption and Quantification Method for Alum-adjuvanted Veterinary Rabies Vaccines”, Vaccine Jun 2;38(27):4281-4287. 


Athingo, R., T. Tenzin, A. Shilongo, E. H. Hikufe, K. K. Shoombe, S. Khaiseb, J. van der Westhuizen, M. Letshwenyo, G. Torres, T. C. Mettenleiter, C. M. Freuling and T. Müller (2020). “Fighting Dog-Mediated Rabies in Namibia - Implementation of a Rabies Elimination Program in the Northern Communal Areas.” Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. 5(1):  12.


Calvelage, S., M. Smreczak, A. Orlowska, C. M. Freuling, T. Müller, C. Fehlner-Gardiner, S. Nadin-Davis, D. Höper and P. Trebas (2020). “Population- and Variant-Based Genome Analyses of Viruses from Vaccine-Derived Rabies Cases Demonstrate Product Specific Clusters and Unique Patterns.” Viruses. 12(1):  115.


Klein, A., A. S. Fahrion, S. Finke, M. Eyngor, S. Novak, B. Yakobson, E. C. Ngoepe, B. Phahladira, C. T. Sabeta, P. de Benedictis, M. Gourlaouen, L. A. Orciari, P. A. Yager, C. M. Gigante, M. K. Knowles, C. Fehlner-Gardiner, A. Servat, F. Cliquet, D. A. Marston, L. M. McElhinney, T. Johnson, A. R. Fooks, T. Müller and C. M. Freuling (2020). “Further Evidence of Inadequate Quality in Lateral Flow Devices Commercially Offered for the Diagnosis of Rabies.” Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. 5(1):  13.


Orlowska, A., M. Smreczak, C. M. Freuling, T. Müller, P. Trebas and J. Rola (2020). “Serological Survey of Lyssaviruses in Polish Bats in the Frame of Passive Rabies Surveillance Using an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay.” Viruses. 12(3):  271.


Potratz, M., L. Zaeck, M. Christen, V. te Kamp, A. Klein, T. Nolden, C. M. Freuling, T. Müller and S. Finke (2020). “Astrocyte Infection during Rabies Encephalitis Depends on the Virus Strain and Infection Route as Demonstrated by Novel Quantitative 3D Analysis of Cell Tropism.” Cells. 9(2):  412.


Rupprecht, C. E., B. Abela-Ridder, R. Abila, A. C. Amparo, A. C. Banyard, J. D. Blanton, K. Chanachai, K. Dallmeier, K. de Balogh, V. del Rio Vilas, H. Ertl, C. M. Freuling, R. Hill, G. Houillon, M. Jakava-Viljanen, S. Kasemsuwan, J. Léchenet, L. H. Nel, P. Panichabhongse, S. A. Rahman, T. Tantawichien, J. Vandeputte, W. Viriyabancha, A. Vos, R. Wallace, G. Yale, O. Yurachai and T. Müller (2020). Towards rabies elimination in the Asia-Pacific region: From theory to practice. Biologicals. 64:  83-95.


Schlottau, K., E. Eggerbauer, C. M. Freuling, M. Beer, T. Müller and B. Hoffmann (2020). “Rapid molecular species identification of indigenous bats from Germany for surveillance purposes. Periodical. Rapid molecular species identification of indigenous bats from Germany for surveillance purposes.” Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 78:  104140.

te Kamp, V., C. M. Freuling, A. Vos, P. Schuster, C. Kaiser, S. Ortmann, A. Kretzschmar, S. Nemitz, E. Eggerbauer, R. Ulrich, J. Schinköthe, T. Nolden, T. Müller and S. Finke (2020). “Responsiveness of various reservoir species to oral rabies vaccination correlates with differences in vaccine uptake of mucosa associated lymphoid tissues.” Scientific Reports. 10(2919):  1-14.


Baker, L., J. Matthiopoulos, T. Müller, C. Freuling and K. Hampson (2019). “Optimizing spatial and seasonal deployment of vaccination campaigns to eliminate wildlife rabies.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 374(1776):  20180280.


Freuling, C. M., E. Eggerbauer, S. Finke, C. Kaiser, C. Kaiser, A. Kretzschmar, T. Nolden, S. Ortmann, C. Schroder, J. P. Teifke, P. Schuster, A. Vos, T. C. Mettenleiter and T. Müller (2019). “Efficacy of the oral rabies virus vaccine strain SPBN GASGAS in foxes and raccoon dogs.” Vaccine. 37(33):  4750-4757.


Freuling, C. M., V. te Kamp, A. Klein, M. Günther, L. Zaeck, M. Potratz, E. Eggerbauer, K. Bobe, C. Kaiser, A. Kretzschmar, S. Ortmann, P. Schuster, A. Vos, S. Finke and T. Müller (2019). “Long-Term Immunogenicity and Efficacy of the Oral Rabies Virus Vaccine Strain SPBN GASGAS in Foxes.” Viruses. 11(9):  790.


Freuling, C. M., A. Vos and T. Müller (2019). “Controlling Rabies in Foxes Unprecedented Success in Europe.” International Animal Health Journal. 6(3):  56-61.


Gibson, A. D., S. Mazeri, G. Yale, S. Desai, V. Naik, J. Corfmat, S. Ortmann, A. King, T. Müller, I. Handel, B. M. d. C. Bronsvoort, L. Gamble, R. J. Mellanby and A. Vos (2019). “Development of a Non-Meat-Based, Mass Producible and Effective Bait for Oral Vaccination of Dogs against Rabies in Goa State, India.” Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. 4(3):  118.


Pfaff, F., T. Müller, C. M. Freuling, C. Fehlner-Gardiner, S. Nadin-Davis, E. Robardet, F. Cliquet, V. Vuta, P. Hostnik, T. C. Mettenleiter, M. Beer and D. Hoper (2019). “In-depth genome analyses of viruses from vaccine-derived rabies cases and corresponding live-attenuated oral rabies vaccines.” Vaccine. 37(33):  4758-4765.


Head, J. R., A. Vos, J. D. Blanton, T. Müller, R. Chipman, E. G. Pieracci, J. Cleaton and R. Wallace (2019). "Environmental distribution of certain modified live-virus vaccines with a high safety profile presents a low-risk, high-reward to control zoonotic diseases." Scientific Reports 9(6783): 1-12. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00049054.

Hikufe, E. H., C. M. Freuling, R. Athingo, A. Shilongo, E.-E. Ndevaetela, M. Helao, M. Shiindi, R. Hassel, A. Bishi, S. Khaiseb, J. Kabajani, J. van der Westhuizen, G. Torres, A. Britton, M. Letshwenyo, K. Schwabenbauer, T. C. Mettenleiter, N. Denzin, S. Amler, F. J. Conraths, T. Müller and A. Maseke (2019). "Ecology and epidemiology of rabies in humans, domestic animals and wildlife in Namibia, 2011-2017." Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 13(4): e0007355. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00048899.


Zaeck, L., M. Potratz, C. M. Freuling, T. Müller and S. Finke (2019). "High-resolution 3D Imaging of Rabies Virus Infection in Solvent-cleared Brain Tissue." Journal of Visualized Experiments 146(e59402). https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00047545.


de Benedictis, P., H. Bourhy, J. E. Echevarría, A. R. Fooks, C. Freuling, J. Serra-Cobo and T. Müller (2019). "Comments to "Detection and phylogenetic characterization of astroviruses in insectivorous bats from Central-Southern Italy"." Zoonoses and Public Health 66(4): 355-358. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00049059.


Taylor, E., A. C. Banyard, H. Bourhy, F. Cliquet, H. Ertl, C. Fehlner-Gardiner, D. L. Horton, R. S. Mani, T. Müller, C. E. Rupprecht, M. J. Schnell, V. Del Rio Vilas and A. R. Fooks (2019). "Avoiding preventable deaths: The scourge of counterfeit rabies vaccines." Vaccine 37(17): 2285-2287. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00048250.



Müller, T. and C. M. Freuling (2018). "Rabies control in Europe: an overview of past, current and future strategies." Revue Scientifique et Technique 37(2): 409-419. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00046100.


McElhinney, L. M., D. A. Marston, E. L. Wise, C. M. Freuling, H. Bourhy, R. Zanoni, T. Moldal, E. A. Kooi, A. Neubauer-Juric, T. Nokireki, T. Müller and A. R. Fooks (2018). "Molecular Epidemiology and Evolution of European Bat Lyssavirus 2." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19(1): 156. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00034973.


Marston, D. A., A. C. Banyard, L. M. McElhinney, C. M. Freuling, S. Finke, X. de Lamballerie, T. Müller and A. R. Fooks (2018). "The lyssavirus host-specificity conundrum — rabies virus — the exception not the rule." Current Opinion in Virology 28: 68-73. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00033269.


Hassel, R., A. Vos, P. Clausen, S. Moore, J. van der Westhuizen, S. Khaiseb, J. Kabajani, F. Pfaff, D. Höper, B. Hundt, M. Jago, F. Bruwer, P. Lindeque, S. Finke, C. M. Freuling and T. Müller (2018). "Experimental screening studies on rabies virus transmission and oral rabies vaccination of the Greater Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros)." Scientific Reports 8(16599): 1-12. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00044637.


Smreczak, M., A. Orlowska, A. Marzec, P. Trebas, T. Müller, C. M. Freuling and J. F. Zmudzinski (2018). "Bokeloh bat lyssavirus isolation in a Natterer's bat, Poland." Zoonoses and Public Health 65(8): 1015-1019. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00042388.


Hassel, R., S. Ortmann, P. Clausen, M. Jago, F. Bruwer, P. Lindeque, C. M. Freuling, A. Vos and T. Müller (2018). "Baiting studies on oral vaccination of the greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) against rabies." European Journal of Wildlife Research 64(62): 1-7. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00043183.


Banyard, A. C., D. Selden, G. Wu, L. Thorne, D. Jennings, D. A. Marston, S. Finke, C. M. Freuling, T. Müller, J. E. Echevarría and A. R. Fooks (2018). "Isolation, antigenicity and immunogenicity of Lleida bat lyssavirus." Journal of General Virology 99(12): 1590-1599. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00039265.


Amarasinghe, G. K., N. G. Aréchiga Ceballos, A. C. Banyard, C. F. Basler, S. Bavari, A. J. Bennett, K. R. Blasdell, T. Briese, A. Bukreyev, Y. Caì, C. H. Calisher, C. Campos Lawson, K. Chandran, C. A. Chapman, C. Y. Chiu, K.-S. Choi, P. L. Collins, R. G. Dietzgen, V. V. Dolja, O. Dolnik, L. L. Domier, R. Dürrwald, J. M. Dye, A. J. Easton, H. Ebihara, J. E. Echevarría, A. R. Fooks, P. B. H. Formenty, R. A. M. Fouchier, C. M. Freuling, E. Ghedin, T. L. Goldberg, R. Hewson, M. Horie, T. H. Hyndman, D. Jiang, R. Kityo, G. P. Kobinger, H. Kondo, E. V. Koonin, M. Krupovic, G. Kurath, R. A. Lamb, B. Lee, E. M. Leroy, P. Maes, A. Maisner, D. A. Marston, S. K. Mor, T. Müller, E. Mühlberger, V. M. Neira Ramírez, S. V. Netesov, T. F. F. Ng, N. Nowotny, G. Palacios, J. L. Patterson, J. T. Paweska, S. L. Payne, K. Prieto, B. K. Rima, P. Rota, D. Rubbenstroth, M. Schwemmle, S. Siddell, S. J. Smither, Q. Song, T. Song, M. D. Stenglein, D. M. Stone, A. Takada, R. B. Tesh, L. M. Thomazelli, K. Tomonaga, N. Tordo, J. S. Towner, N. Vasilakis, S. Vázquez-Morón, C. Verdugo, V. E. Volchkov, V. Wahl, P. J. Walker, D. Wang, L.-F. Wang, J. F. X. Wellehan, M. R. Wiley, A. E. Whitfield, Y. I. Wolf, G. Yè, Y.-Z. Zhang and J. H. Kuhn (2018). "Taxonomy of the order Mononegavirales: update 2018." Archives of Virology 163(8): 2283-2294. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00038469.


Vos, A., C. Freuling, S. Ortmann, A. Kretzschmar, D. Mayer, A. Schliephake and T. Müller (2018). "An assessment of shedding with the oral rabies virus vaccine strain SPBN GASGAS in target and non-target species." Vaccine 36(6): 811-178. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00035057.


Suu-Ire, R., L. Begeman, A. C. Banyard, A. C. Breed, C. Drosten, E. Eggerbauer, C. M. Freuling, L. Gibson, H. Goharriz, D. L. Horton, D. Jennings, I. V. Kuzmin, D. A. Marston, Y. Ntiamoa-Baidu, S. Riesle Sbarbaro, D. Selden, E. L. Wise, T. Kuiken, A. R. Fooks, T. Müller, J. L. N. Wood and A. A. Cunningham (2018). "Pathogenesis of bat rabies in a natural reservoir: Comparative susceptibility of the straw-colored fruit bat (Eidolon helvum) to three strains of Lagos bat virus." Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 12(3): e0006311. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00037390.


Pfaff, F., T. Müller, C. M. Freuling, C. Fehlner-Gardiner, S. Nadin-Davis, E. Robardet, F. Cliquet, V. Vuta, T. C. Mettenleiter, M. Beer and D. Höper (2018). "In-depth genome analyses of vaccine-derived rabies and corresponding live-attenuated oral rabies vaccines." Vaccine in press. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00036561.


Ortmann, S., A. Vos, A. Kretzschmar, N. Walther, C. Kaiser, C. M. Freuling, I. Lojkic and T. Müller (2018). "Safety studies with the oral rabies virus vaccine strain SPBN GASGAS in the small Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus)." BMC Veterinary Research 14(90): 1-7. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00037681.


Ortmann, S., A. Kretzschmar, C. Kaiser, T. Lindner, C. M. Freuling, C. Kaiser, P. Schuster, T. Müller and A. Vos (2018). "In vivo safety studies with SPBN GASGAS in the frame of oral vaccination of foxes and raccoon dogs against rabies." Frontiers in Veterinary Science 5(91): 1-8. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00038701.



Wasniewski, M., J. Barrat, A. R. Fooks, R. Franka, T. Müller, C. Sabeta and F. Cliquet (2017). "Production and calibration of the second batch of OIE anti-rabies positive reference serum." Revue Scientifique et Technique 36(3): 779-788. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00037591.


Schlottau, K., C. M. Freuling, T. Müller, M. Beer and B. Hoffmann (2017). "Correction to: Development of molecular confirmation tools for swift and easy rabies diagnostics." Virology Journal 14: 2225. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00032568.


Schlottau, K., C. M. Freuling, T. Müller, M. Beer and B. Hoffmann (2017). "Development of molecular confirmation tools for swift and easy rabies diagnostics." Virology Journal 14(184): 1-13. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00030250.


Moore, S. M., A. Gilbert, A. Vos, C. M. Freuling, C. Ellis, J. Kliemt and T. Müller (2017). "Rabies Virus Antibodies from Oral Vaccination as a Correlate of Protection against Lethal Infection in Wildlife." Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease 2(31): 1-24. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00028102.


Marston, D. A., D. L. Horton, J. Nunez, A. C. Banyard, L. M. McElhinney, C. M. Freuling, M. Firat, N. Ünal, T. Müller, X. de Lamballerie and A. R. Fooks (2017). "Genetic analysis of a rabies virus host shift event reveals within-host viral dynamics in a new host." Virus Evolution 3(2): vex038. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00034405.

Fischer, S., C. M. Freuling, T. Müller, F. Pfaff, U. Bodenhofer, D. Höper, M. Fischer, D. A. Masrton, A. R. Fooks, T. C. Mettenleiter, F. J. Conraths and T. Homeier-Bachmann (2017). "Defining objective clusters for rabies virus sequences using affinity  ropagation clustering." PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12(1): e0006182. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00035766


Vos, Ad, Conrad Martin Freuling, B. Hundt, C. Kaiser, Sabine Nemitz, A. Neubert, Tobias Nolden, Jens Peter Teifke, Verena te Kamp, Reiner Georg Ulrich, Stefan Finke, and Thomas Müller 2017 Oral vaccination of wildlife against rabies: Differences among host species in vaccine uptake efficiency. In Vaccine: Elsevier. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00027321


Marston, D. A., R. J. Ellis, Wise El, Aréchiga-Ceballos N, Conrad Martin Freuling, Banyard Ac, McElhinney Lm, de Lamballerie X, Thomas Müller, Fooks Ar, and Echevarría Je, (2017) Complete Genome Sequence of Lleida Bat Lyssavirus. Genome Announcements 5 (2 (2017)):e01427-16. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00024319



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Nolden, Tobias, Florian Pfaff, Sabine Nemitz, Conrad Martin Freuling, Dirk Höper, Thomas Müller, and Stefan Finke, (2016) Reverse genetics in high throughput: rapid generation of complete negative strand RNA virus cDNA clones and recombinant viruses thereof. Scientific Reports 6 (23887):1-15. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00019930


Müller, Thomas, and Conrad Martin Freuling, (2016) Tollwut ? Rabies. In Tiergesundheitsjahresbericht 2014. Pp. 115-116. Tiergesundheitsjahresbericht. Greifswald - Insel Riems: Friedrich-Loeffler-Inst. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00019055


Hanke, D., C. M. Freuling, S. Fischer, K. Hueffer, K. Hundertmark, S. Nadin-Davis, D. Marston, A. R. Fooks, A. Botner, T. C. Mettenleiter, M. Beer, T. B. Rasmussen, T. F. Müller, and D. Hoper, (2016a) Spatio-temporal Analysis of the Genetic Diversity of Arctic Rabies Viruses and Their Reservoir Hosts in Greenland. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 10 (7). https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00021031


Hanke, Dennis, Conrad Martin Freuling, Susanne Fischer, K. Hueffer, K. Hundertmark, S. Nadin-Davis, D. Marston, A.R. Fooks, A. Bøtner, Thomas C. Mettenleiter, Martin Beer, T.B. Rasmussen, Thomas Müller, and Dirk Höper              2016b                Spatio-temporal Analysis of the Genetic Diversity of Arctic Rabies Viruses and Their Reservoir Hosts in Greenland. In Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases. Pp. e0004779, Vol. 10: PLoS.


Eggerbauer, Elisa, P. de Benedictis, Bernd Hoffmann, Thomas C. Mettenleiter, Kore Schlottau, E.C. Ngoepe, C.T. Sabeta, Conrad Martin Freuling, and Thomas Müller  2016 Evaluation of Six Commercially Available Rapid Immunochromatographic Tests for the Diagnosis of Rabies in Brain Material. In Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases. Pp. e0004776, Vol. 10: PLoS.



Ross, R.S., B. Wolters, Bernd Hoffmann, Lutz Geue, S. Viazov, N. Grüner, M. Roggendorf, and Thomas Müller, (2015) Instructive even after a decade: Complete results of initial virological diagnostics and re-evaluation of molecular data in the German rabies virus ?outbreak? caused by transplantations. In International journal of medical microbiology : IJMM. Pp. 636-643, Vol. 305: Elsevier.


Müller, T. F., R. Schroder, P. Wysocki, T. C. Mettenleiter, and C. M. Freuling, (2015a) Spatio-temporal Use of Oral Rabies Vaccines in Fox Rabies Elimination Programmes in Europe. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 9 (8). https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00016314


Müller, Thomas, Ronald Schröder, Patrick Wysocki, Thomas C. Mettenleiter, and Conrad Martin Freuling 2015b Spatio-temporal Use of Oral Rabies Vaccines in Fox Rabies Elimination Programmes in Europe. In Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases. Pp. e0003953, Vol. 9: PLoS.


Horton, D.L., L.M. McElhinney, Conrad Martin Freuling, D.A. Marston, A.C. Banyard, H. Goharrriz, E. Wise, E.C. Breed, G. Saturday, J. Kolodziejek, E. Zilahi, M.F. Al-Kobaisi, N. Nowotny, Thomas Müller, and A.R. Fooks 2015 Complex Epidemiology of a Zoonotic Disease in a Culturally Diverse Region: Phylogeography of Rabies Virus in the Middle East. In Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases. Pp. e0003569, Vol. 9: PLoS.


Höper, Dirk, Conrad M. Freuling, Thomas Müller, Dennis Hanke, Veronika von Messling, Karin Duchow, Martin Beer, and Thomas C. Mettenleiter, (2015) High definition viral vaccine strain identity and stability testing using full-genome population data--The next generation of vaccine quality control. Vaccine 33 (43):5829-5837. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00016939


Hampson, K., L. Coudeville, T. Lembo, M. Sambo, A. Kieffer, M. Attlan, J. Barrat, J.D. Blanton, D.J. Briggs, S. Cleaveland, P. Costa, Conrad Martin Freuling, E. Hiby, L. Knopf, F. Leanes, F.-X. Meslin, A. Metlin, M.E. Miranda, Thomas Müller, L.H. Nel, S. Recuenco, C.E. Rupprecht, C. Schumacher, L. Taylor, M.A.N. Vigilato, J. Zinsstag, J. Dushoff, and on behalf of the Global Alliance for Rabies Control Partners for Rabies Prevention, (2015) Estimating the Global Burden of Endemic Canine Rabies. In Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases. Pp. e0003709, Vol. 9: PLoS.


Freuling, Conrad Martin, L.M. McElhinney, A.R. Fooks, and T. Müller, (2015a) Gel-Based Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction. In Current Laboratory Techniques in Rabies Diagnosis, Research and Prevention, Volume 2. 1. Aufl. edition. C. Rupprecht and T. Nagarajan, eds. Pp. 119-128: Elsevier. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00012529


Freuling, Conrad Martin, T. Binger, Martin Beer, Y. Adu-Sarkodie, Juliane Schatz, Melina Fischer, Dennis Hanke, Bernd Hoffmann, Dirk Ho?per, Thomas C. Mettenleiter, S.K. Oppong, C. Drosten, and T. Müller, (2015b) Lagos bat virus transmission in an Eidolon helvum bat colony, Ghana. Virus Research 210:42-45. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00015841


Fereidouni, S., L. Kwasnitschka, A. B. Buschmann, T. Müller, C. Freuling, J. Schatz, J. Pikula, H. Bandouchova, R. Hoffmann, B. Ohlendorf, G. Kerth, S. Tong, R. Donis, M. Beer, and T. Harder, (2015) No Virological Evidence for an Influenza A - like Virus in European Bats. Zoonoses and Public Health 62 (3):187-189. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00003332


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Yakobson, B., I. Goga, Conrad Martin Freuling, A.R. Fooks, V. Gjinovci, B. Hulaj, D. Horton, N. Johnson, J. Muhaxhiri, I. Recica, D. David, R. O'Flaherty, N. Taylor, T. Wilsmore, and Thomas Müller, (2014) Implementation and monitoring of oral rabies vaccination of foxes in Kosovo between 2010 and 2013 - An international and intersectorial effort. In International journal of medical microbiology : IJMM. Pp. 902-910, Vol. 304: Elsevier


Schatz, J., J. P. Teifke, T. C. Mettenleiter, A. Aue, D. Stiefel, T. Müller, and C. M. Freuling, (2014a) Lyssavirus distribution in naturally infected bats from Germany. Veterinary Microbiology 169 (1-2):33-41. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002629


Schatz, J., B. Ohlendorf, P. Busse, G. Pelz, D. Dolch, J. Teubner, J. A. Encarnacao, R. U. Muhle, M. Fischer, B. Hoffmann, L. Kwasnitschka, A. Balkema-Buschmann, T. C. Mettenleiter, T. Müller, and C. M. Freuling, (2014b) Twenty years of active bat rabies surveillance in Germany: a detailed analysis and future perspectives. Epidemiology and Infection 142 (6):1155-1166. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002986


Schatz, Juliane, Conrad Martin Freuling, E. Auer, H. Goharriz, C. Harbusch, N. Johnson, I. Kaipf, Thomas C. Mettenleiter, K. Mühldorfer, R.-U. Mühle, B. Ohlendorf, B. Pott-Dörfer, J. Prüger, Hanan Sheikh Ali, D. Stiefel, J. Teubner, Rainer G. Ulrich, G. Wibbelt, and Thomas Müller, (2014c) Enhanced Passive Bat Rabies Surveillance in Indigenous Bat Species from Germany - A Retrospective Study. In Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases. Pp. e2835, Vol. 8: PLoS.


Nolden, T., A. C. Banyard, S. Finke, A. R. Fooks, D. Hanke, D. Hoper, D. L. Horton, T. C. Mettenleiter, T. Müller, J. P. Teifke, and C. M. Freuling, (2014) Comparative studies on the genetic, antigenic and pathogenic characteristics of Bokeloh bat lyssavirus. Journal of General Virology 95:1647-1653. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00003337


Müller, Thomas, Conrad Martin Freuling, Patrick Wysocki, M. Roumiantzeff, J. Freney, Thomas C. Mettenleiter, and A. Vos, (2014a) Terrestrial rabies control in the European Union: Historical achievements and challenges ahead. In The Veterinary Journal. Pp. 10-17, Vol. 203: Elsevier.


Müller, Thomas, Conrad Martin Freuling, C.E. Rupprecht, L. Both, A.R. Fooks, T. Lembo, L. Knopf, D.J. Briggs, and L.H. Taylor, (2014b) Elimination of Rabies : A Missed Opportunity. In Zoonoses - Infections Affecting Humans and Animals : Focus on Public Health Aspects. A. Sing, ed. Pp. 527-571: Springer Netherlands. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00010855


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McElhinney, L.M., D.A. Marston, R. Ellis, Conrad Martin Freuling, T. Müller, and A.R. Fooks, (2014) Sanger Sequencing of Lyssaviruses. In Current Laboratory Techniques in Rabies Diagnosis, Research and Prevention, Volume 1. 1st Ed. edition. C.E. Rupprecht and T. Nagarjan, eds. Pp. 159-170. San Diego, London: Elsevier. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00004143


Marston, D.A., L.M. McElhinney, E. Wise, R. Ellis, Conrad Martin Freuling, and T. Müller, (2014) Next Generation Sequencing of Lyssaviruses. In Current Laboratory Techniques in Rabies Diagnosis, Research and Prevention, Volume 1. 1st Ed. edition. C.E. Rupprecht and T. Nagarjan, eds. Pp. 171-184. San Diego, London: Elsevier. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00004142


Malerczyk, C., C. Freuling, D. Gniel, A. Giesen, T. Selhorst, and T. Müller, (2014) Cross-neutralization of antibodies induced by vaccination with Purified Chick Embryo Cell Vaccine (PCECV) against different Lyssavirus species. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 10 (10):2799-2804. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00005077


Johnson, N., A.R. Fooks, Conrad Martin Freuling, T. Müller, Anke Kliemt, H. Ün, O. Aylan, N. Ünal, S. Eskiizmirliler, N. Akkoca, and A. Vos, (2014) The Role of Phylogeography in the Control of Wildlife Rabies in Turkey. In Sequence and Genome Analysis III : Methods and Applications. iConcept Press Ltd. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00007279


He, X., T. Korytar, J. Schatz, C. M. Freuling, T. Müller, and B. Kollner, (2014) Anti-Lyssaviral Activity of Interferons kappa and omega from the Serotine Bat, Eptesicus serotinus. Journal of Virology 88 (10):5444-5454. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002885


Freuling, Conrad Martin, Bernd Hoffmann, Melina Fischer, L.M. McElhinney, D.A. Marston, A.R. Fooks, and T. Müller, (2014) Real-Time Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Demonstration of Lyssavirus Nucleic Acid. In Current Laboratory Techniques in Rabies Diagnosis, Research and Prevention, Volume 1. 1st Ed. edition. C.E. Rupprecht and T. Nagarjan, eds. Pp. 75-84. San Diego, London: Elsevier. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00004141


Fischer, M., C. M. Freuling, T. Müller, A. Wegelt, E. A. Kooi, T. B. Rasmussen, K. Voller, D. A. Marston, A. R. Fooks, M. Beer, and B. Hoffmann, (2014a) Molecular double-check strategy for the identification and characterization of European Lyssaviruses. Journal of Virological Methods 203:23-32. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002956


Fischer, M., C. M. Freuling, T. Müller, J. Schatz, T. B. Rasmussen, M. Chriel, A. Balkema-Buschmann, M. Beer, and B. Hoffmann, (2014b) Identification of rhabdoviral sequences in oropharyngeal swabs from German and Danish bats. Virology Journal 11. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00010158



Vos, A., H. Ün, K. Hampson, K. de Balogh, O. Aylan, Conrad Martin Freuling, Thomas Müller, A.R. Fooks, and N. Johnson, (2013a) Bovine rabies in Turkey: patterns of infection and implications for costs and control. In Epidemiology and Infection. Pp. 1925-1933, Vol. 142: Cambridge Univ. Press.


Vos, A., T. Nolden, C. Habla, S. Finke, C. M. Freuling, J. Teifke, and T. Müller, (2013b) Raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Germany as potential reservoir species for Lyssaviruses. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59 (5):637-643. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002202


Vos, A., A. Kretzschmar, S. Ortmann, I. Lojkic, C. Habla, T. Müller, C. Kaiser, B. Hundt, and P. Schuster, (2013c) Oral Vaccination of Captive Small Indian Mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) against Rabies. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 49 (4):1033-1036. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002553


Scott, T. P., M. Fischer, S. Khaiseb, C. Freuling, D. Hoper, B. Hoffmann, W. Markotter, T. Müller, and L. H. Nel, (2013) Complete Genome and Molecular Epidemiological Data Infer the Maintenance of Rabies among Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) in Namibia. Plos One 8 (3). https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002187


Schatz, J., A. R. Fooks, L. McElhinney, D. Horton, J. Echevarria, S. Vazquez-Moron, E. A. Kooi, T. B. Rasmussen, T. Müller, and C. M. Freuling, (2013) Bat Rabies Surveillance in Europe. Zoonoses and Public Health 60 (1):22-34. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00000329


Robardet, E., S. Andrieu, T. B. Rasmussen, M. Dobrostana, D. L. Horton, P. Hostnik, I. Jaceviciene, T. Juhasz, T. Müller, F. Mutinelli, A. Servat, M. Smreczak, E. Vanek, S. Vazquez-Moron, and F. Cliquet, (2013) Comparative assay of fluorescent antibody test results among twelve European National Reference Laboratories using various anti-rabies conjugates. Journal of Virological Methods 191 (1):88-94. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002256


Reta, T., S. Teshale, A. Deresa, A. Ali, G. Getahun, M. P. O. Baumann, Thomas Müller, and Conrad Martin Freuling, (2013) Evaluation of Rapid Immunodiagnostic Test for Rabies Diagnosis Using Clinical Brain Samples in Ethiopia. Journal of veterinary science & medical diagnosis 2 (3):1-3. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002590


McElhinney, L. M., D. A. Marston, S. Leech, C. M. Freuling, W. H. M. van der Poel, J. Echevarria, S. Vazquez-Moron, D. L. Horton, T. Müller, and A. R. Fooks, (2013) Molecular Epidemiology of Bat Lyssaviruses in Europe. Zoonoses and Public Health 60 (1):35-45. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00000330


Freuling, Conrad Martin, A. Vos, N. Johnson, R.-U. Mühle, and T. Müller, (2013a) Rabies: Animal Reservoirs of an Ancient Disease. In The Role of Animals in Emerging Viral Diseases. Pp. 63-87. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Academic Press. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002830


Freuling, C. M., K. Hampson, T. Selhorst, R. Schroder, F. X. Meslin, T. C. Mettenleiter, and T. Müller, (2013b) The elimination of fox rabies from Europe: determinants of success and lessons for the future. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 368 (1623). https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002410


Freuling, C. M., B. Abendroth, M. Beer, M. Fischer, D. Hanke, B. Hoffmann, D. Hoper, F. Just, T. C. Mettenleiter, J. Schatz, and T. Müller, (2013c) Molecular diagnostics for the detection of Bokeloh bat lyssavirus in a bat from Bavaria, Germany. Virus Research 177 (2):201-204. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002495


Fooks, A., D. Horton, T. Müller, Conrad Martin Freuling, and C. Rupprecht, (2013) Rabies. In Manual of diagnostic tests and vaccines for terrestrial animals 2013: OIE Terrestrial manual 2013. Pp. 1-28. Paris: OIE. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00003633


Fischer, M., K. Wernike, C. M. Freuling, T. Müller, O. Aylan, B. Brochier, F. Cliquet, S. Vazquez-Moron, P. Hostnik, A. Huovilainen, M. Isaksson, E. A. Kooi, J. Mooney, M. Turcitu, T. B. Rasmussen, S. Revilla-Fernandez, M. Smreczak, A. R. Fooks, D. A. Marston, M. Beer, and B. Hoffmann, (2013) Step Forward in Molecular Diagnostics of Lyssaviruses - Results of a Ring Trial among European Laboratories. Plos One 8 (3). https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002123


Driechciarz, R., E. Driechciarz, Juliane Schatz, Conrad Martin Freuling, and Thomas Müller 2013 Drei Fälle von Fledermaustollwut in Magdeburg. In Beiträge zur Jagd- und Wildforschung. Pp. 355-360, Vol. 38:


Banyard, A. C., D. L. Horton, C. Freuling, T. Müller, and A. R. Fooks, (2013a) Control and prevention of canine rabies: The need for building laboratory-based surveillance capacity. Antiviral Research 98 (3):357-364. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002263


Banyard, A.C., D.T.S. Hayman, Conrad Martin Freuling, T. Müller, A.R. Fooks, and N. Johnson, (2013b) Bat Rabies. In Rabies : scientific basis of the disease and its management. 3. ed. edition. Pp. 215-265. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier AP. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002718


Un, H., S. Eskiizmirliler, N. Unal, C. M. Freuling, N. Johnson, A. R. Fooks, T. Müller, A. Vos, and O. Aylan, (2012) Oral vaccination of foxes against rabies in Turkey between 2008 and 2010. Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 125 (5-6):203-208. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001391


Tietjen, S., B. Kaufhold, Thomas Müller, and Conrad Martin Freuling, (2012) Case report: illegal puppy trade and transport, Germany. Rabies Bulletin Europe 35 (3):8-10. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00004392


Selhorst, T., C. M. Freuling, J. Blicke, A. Vos, G. Larres, K. Zimmer, T. Frohlich, H. J. Batza, and T. F. Müller, (2012) Short-term interval baiting to combat the re-emergence of fox rabies in Rhineland Palatinate (Germany) in 2005. Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 125 (5-6):191-196. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001372


Ross, R. S., C. M. Freuling, Y. Delere, and T. Müller, (2012) Assessment of the human medical significance of the rabies zoonosis in Germany - analysis of available data and desiderata. Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 125 (5-6):272-277. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001344


Müller, Thomas, C. M. Freuling, P. Gschwendner, E. Holzhofer, H. Murke, H. Rudiger, P. Schuster, D. Kloss, C. Staubach, K. Teske, and A. Vos, (2012a) SURVIS: a fully-automated aerial baiting system for the distribution of vaccine baits for wildlife. Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 125 (5-6):197-202. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001302


Müller, Thomas, P. Demetriou, J. Moynagh, F. Cliquet, A.R. Fooks, Franz Josef Conraths, Thomas C. Mettenleiter, and Conrad Martin Freuling 2012b Rabies elimination in Europe - a success story. Rabies Control - towards sustainable prevention at the source : Compendium of the OIE Global Conference on rabies control, 7.-9. September 2011, Incheon-Seoul (Republic of Korea), Paris, 2012b, pp. 31-43. OIE.


Müller, Thomas, H. J. Batza, C. Freuling, A. Kliemt, J. Kliemt, R. Heuser, H. Schluter, T. Selhorst, A. Vos, and T. C. Mettenleiter, (2012c) Elimination of terrestrial rabies in Germany using oral vaccination of foxes. Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 125 (5-6):178-190. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001301


McElhinney, L. M., C. Setzkorn, D. A. Marston, C. M. Freuling, T. Muller, and A. R. Fooks, (2012) Lyssavirus sequence database. Rabies Bulletin Europe 36 (2):9-11. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00019454


Lojkic, I., Z. Cac, T. Bedekovic, N. Lemo, M. Brstilo, T. Müller, and C. M. Freuling, (2012) Diversity of currently circulating rabies virus strains in Croatia. Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 125 (5-6):249-254. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001276


Hoper, D., S. Finke, C. M. Freuling, B. Hoffmann, and M. Beer, (2012) What can we learn about lyssavirus genomes using 454 sequencing? Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 125 (5-6):242-248. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001237


Honer, O. P., B. Wachter, K. V. Goller, H. Hofer, V. Runyoro, D. Thierer, R. D. Fyumagwa, T. Müller, and M. L. East, (2012) The impact of a pathogenic bacterium on a social carnivore population. Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (1):36-46. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001235


Goddard, A. D., N. M. Donaldson, D. L. Horton, R. Kosmider, L. A. Kelly, A. R. Sayers, A. C. Breed, C. M. Freuling, T. Müller, S. E. Shaw, G. Hallgren, A. R. Fooks, and E. L. Snary, (2012) A Quantitative Release Assessment for the Noncommercial Movement of Companion Animals: Risk of Rabies Reintroduction to the United Kingdom. Risk Analysis 32 (10):1769-1783. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001204


Freuling, C.M., T. Müller, D. Marston, A. Fooks, C. Rupprecht, and I. Kuzmin, (2012a) Updates on the diversity of the Lyssavirus genus. Rabies Bulletin Europe 35 (4):8-10. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00004399


Freuling, C. M., D. Kloss, R. Schroder, A. Kliemt, and T. Müller, (2012b) The WHO Rabies Bulletin Europe: a key source of information on rabies and a pivotal tool for surveillance and epidemiology. Revue Scientifique et Technique de l Office International des Epizooties 31 (3):799-807. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001184


Freuling, C. M., J. Kliemt, S. Schares, D. Heidecke, R. Driechciarz, J. Schatz, and T. Müller, (2012c) Detection of European bat lyssavirus 2 (EBLV-2) in a Daubenton's bat (Myotis doubentonii) from Magdeburg, Germany. Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 125 (5-6):255-258. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001182


Freuling, C. M., B. Hoffmann, T. Selhorst, F. J. Conraths, J. Kliemt, J. Schatz, and T. Müller, (2012d) New insights into the genetics of EBLV-1 from Germany. Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 125 (5-6):259-263. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001183


Fooks, A.R., L.M. McElhinney, D. Horton, A.C. Banyard, N. Johnson, D. Marston, Conrad Martin Freuling, Bernd Hoffmann, C. Tu, C. Fehlner-Gardiner, C.T. Sabeta, F. Cliquet, T. Müller, and C.E. Rupprecht  2012 Molecular tools for rabies diagnosis in animals. Rabies Control - towards sustainable prevention at the source : Compendium of the OIE Global Conference on rabies control, 7.-9. September 2011, Incheon-Seoul (Republic of Korea), Paris, 2012, pp. 75-85. OIE.


Fischer, M., B. Hoffmann, C. M. Freuling, T. Müller, and M. Beer, (2012) Perspectives on molecular detection methods of lyssaviruses. Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 125 (5-6):264-271. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001175


Finke, S., A. Karger, C. Freuling, and T. Müller, (2012) Assessment of inactivated human rabies vaccines: Biochemical characterization and genetic identification of virus strains. Vaccine 30 (24):3603-3609. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001171


Vos, A., C. Nunan, D. Bolles, Thomas Muller, A. R. Fooks, N. Tordo, and G. M. Baer, (2011a) The occurrence of rabies in pre-Columbian Central America: An historical search. Epidemiology and Infection 139 (10):1445-1452. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000299


Vos, A., K. K. Conzelmann, Stefan Finke, Thomas Muller, Jens Peter Teifke, A. R. Fooks, and A. Neubert, (2011b) Immunogenicity Studies in Carnivores Using a Rabies Virus Construct with a Site-Directed Deletion in the Phosphoprotein. Advances in preventive medicine 2011 (ID 898171):1-5. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000298


Vetter, J. M., L. Frisch, C. Drosten, R. S. Ross, M. Roggendorf, B. Wolters, Thomas Müller, H. B. Dick, and N. Pfeiffer, (2011) Survival after transplantation of corneas from a rabies-infected donor. Cornea : the journal of cornea and external disease 30 (2):241-244. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000295


Müller, Thomas, Juliane Schatz, and Conrad Martin Freuling, (2011) Fledermaustollwut - ein globaler Überblick. Nyctalus 16 (3-4):197-203. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001816


Müller, Thomas, and Conrad Martin Freuling, (2011) Tollwut. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Veterinärmedizin : ZiVet 2 (07):46-48. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001817


Mulatti, P., Thomas Muller, L. Bonfanti, and S. Marangon, (2011) Emergency oral rabies vaccination of foxes in Italy in 2009-2010: identification of residual rabies foci at higher altitudes in the Alps. Epidemiology and Infection 140 (4):591-598. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001300


Muhldorfer, K., S. Speck, A. Kurth, R. Lesnik, C. Freuling, Thomas Müller, S. Kramer-Schadt, and G. Wibbelt, (2011) Diseases and Causes of Death in European Bats: Dynamics in Disease Susceptibility and Infection Rates. Plos One 6 (12). https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000188


McElhinney, L. M., D. A. Marston, C. M. Freuling, W. Cragg, S. Stankov, D. Lalosevic, V. Lalosevic, T. Müller, and A. R. Fooks, (2011) Molecular diversity and evolutionary history of rabies virus strains circulating in the Balkans. Journal of General Virology 92:2171-2180. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000169


Lembo, T., M. Attlan, H. Bourhy, S. Cleaveland, P. Costa, K. de Balogh, B. Dodet, A. R. Fooks, E. Hiby, F. Leanes, F. X. Meslin, M. E. Miranda, Thomas Muller, L. H. Nel, C. E. Rupprecht, N. Tordo, A. Tumpey, A. Wandeler, and D. J. Briggs, (2011) Renewed Global Partnerships and Redesigned Roadmaps for Rabies Prevention and Control. Veterinary medicine international 2011 (ID 923149):1-18. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000158


Johnson, N., C. Freuling, D. Horton, T. Müller, and A. R. Fooks, (2011) Imported Rabies, European Union and Switzerland, 2001-2010. Emerging Infectious Diseases 17 (4):753-754. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000114


Freuling, Conrad Martin, Juliane Schatz, B. Pott-Dörfer, D. Heidecke, G. Wibbelt, K. Mühldorfer, Jeannette Kliemt, and Thomas Müller, (2011a) Untersuchungen an Fledermaustodfunden zum Vorkommen der Fledermaustollwut in Deutschland. Nyctalus 16 (3-4):212-216. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001805


Freuling, C. M., M. Beer, F. J. Conraths, S. Finke, B. Hoffmann, B. Keller, J. Kliemt, T. C. Mettenleiter, E. Muhlbach, J. P. Teifke, P. Wohlsein, and T. Müller, (2011b) Novel Lyssavirus in Natterer's Bat, Germany. Emerging Infectious Diseases 17 (8):1519-1522. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000070


Deleré, Y., O. Wichmann, Thomas Müller, Conrad Martin Freuling, M. Roggendorf, and S. Ross, (2011) Tollwut in Deutschland: Gelöstes Problem oder versteckte Gefahr? Epidemiologisches Bulletin : aktuelle Daten und Informationen zu Infektionskrankheiten  (8):57-61. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001795


Wakeley, P. R., T. B. Rasmussen, S. Leech, A. R. Fooks, Bernd Hoffmann, Conrad Martin Freuling, Martin Beer, and Thomas Müller, (2010) Improved Safety for Molecular Diagnosis of Classical Rabies Viruses by Use of a TaqMan Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR "Double Check" Strategy. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 48 (11):3970-3978. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000408


Vos, A., Thomas Müller, L. Neubert, and C. C. Voigt, (2010) Validation of a less invasive blood sampling technique in rabies serology using Reduviid Bugs (Triatominae, Hemiptera). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 41 (1):63-68. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000561


Turcitu, M. A., G. Barboi, V. Vuta, I. Mihai, D. Boncea, F. Dumitrescu, M. D. Codreanu, N. Johnson, A. R. Fooks, Thomas Müller, and Conrad Martin Freuling, (2010) Molecular epidemiology of rabies virus in Romania provides evidence for a high degree of heterogeneity and virus diversity. Virus Research 150 (1-2):28-33. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000552


Maier, T., A. Schwarting, D. Mauer, R. S. Ross, A. Martens, V. Kliem, J. Wahl, M. Panning, S. Baumgarte, S. Pfefferle, H. Ebel, J. Schmidt, K. Tenner-Racz, P. Racz, M. Schmid, M. Strüber, B. Wolters, D. Gotthardt, F. Bitz, L. Frisch, N. Pfeiffer, H. Fickenscher, P. Sauer, C. E. Rupprecht, M. Roggendorf, A. Haverich, P. Galle, J. Hoyer, C. Drosten, and Thomas Müller, (2010) Management and Outcomes after Multiple Corneal and Solid Organ Transplantations from a Donor Infected with Rabies Virus. Clinical infectious diseases 50 (8):1112-1119. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000463


Knoop, E. V., Conrad Martin Freuling, Jeannette Kliemt, Thomas Selhorst, Franz Josef Conraths, and Thomas Müller, (2010) Evaluation of a commercial rabies ELISA as a replacement for serum neutralization assays as part of the pet travel scheme and oral vaccination campaigns of foxes. Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 123 (7-8):278-285. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000444


Johnson, N., A. Vos, N. Tordo, A. R. Fooks, Conrad Martin Freuling, and Thomas Müller, (2010) Human rabies due to lyssavirus infection of bat origin. Veterinary Microbiology 142 (3-4):151-159. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000418


Eismann, A., T. Ewringmann, F. Just, T. Müller, and C. Freuling, (2010) Rabies in Bavaria (Germany) in an imported puppy from Bosnia-Herzegovina  Rabies Bulletin Europe 34 (2):5-6. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001837


Binder, A., Jens Peter Teifke, G. A. Saturday, Bernd Hoffmann, Conrad Martin Freuling, Thomas Müller, and S. Sauer, (2010) Tollwut - Entwicklung einsatzorientierter Diagnostikverfahren. Wehrmedizinische Monatsschrift 54 (11-12):290-292. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001832


Weiß, B., U. Hoffmann, Conrad Martin Freuling, Thomas Müller, M. Fesseler, and C. Renner, (2009) Rabies exposure due to an illegally imported dog in Germany. Rabies Bulletin Europe 33 (2):5-8. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00004391


Weiss, B., U. Hoffmann, C. Freuling, T. Müller, M. Fesseler, and C. Renner, (2009) Rabies exposure due to an illegally imported dog in Germany. Rabies Bulletin Europe 33 (2):5-6. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00004391


Vos, A., Conrad Martin Freuling, S. Eskiizmirliler, H. Un, O. Aylan, N. Johnson, S. Gurbuz, W. Muller, N. Akkoca, Thomas Müller, A. R. Fooks, and H. Askaroglu, (2009) Rabies in Foxes, Aegean Region, Turkey. Emerging Infectious Diseases 15 (10):1620-1622. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000857


Un, H., N. Johnson, A. Vos, Thomas Müller, A. R. Fooks, and O. Aylan, (2009) Genetic analysis of four human rabies cases reported in Turkey between 2002 and 2006. Clinical microbiology and infection 15 (12):1185-1189. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000853


Ramnial, V., R. Kosmider, O. Aylan, A. R. Fooks, Conrad Martin Freuling, and Thomas Muller, (2009) Quantitative risk assessment to compare the risk of rabies entering the UK from Turkey via quarantine, the Pet Travel Scheme and the EU Pet Movement Policy. Epidemiology and Infection 138 (8):1114-1125. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000507


Müller, Thomas, B. Dietzschold, H. Ertl, A. R. Fooks, Conrad Martin Freuling, C. Fehlner-Gardiner, Jeannette Kliemt, F. X. Meslin, C. E. Rupprecht, N. Tordo, A. I. Wanderler, and M. P. Kieny, (2009) Development of a Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Cocktail for Post-exposure Rabies Prophylaxis in Humans. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 3 (11):e542. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000770


Marston, D. A., L. M. McElhinney, Y. H. Ali, K. S. Intisar, S. M. Ho, Conrad Martin Freuling, Thomas Müller, and A. R. Fooks, (2009) Phylogenetic analysis of rabies viruses from Sudan provides evidence of a viral clade with a unique molecular signature. Virus Research 145 (2):244-250. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000750


Maksimov, Aline, Lutz Geue, A. Vos, A. Neubert, Conrad Martin Freuling, and Thomas Müller, (2009) Genetic stability (in vivo) of the attenuated oral rabies virus vaccine SAD B19. Microbiology and immunology 53 (1):16-21. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000583


Johnson, N., H. Un, A. R. Fooks, Conrad Martin Freuling, Thomas Mu?ller, O. Aylan, and A. Vos, (2009) Rabies epidemiology and control in Turkey: past and present. Epidemiology and Infection 138 (3):305-312. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000419


Fooks, A. R., N. Johnson, Conrad Martin Freuling, P. R. Wakeley, A. C. Banyard, L. M. McElhinney, D. A. Marston, A. Dastjerdi, E. Wright, R. A. Weiss, and Thomas Müller, (2009) Emerging Technologies for the Detection of Rabies Virus: Challenges and Hopes in the 21st Century. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 3 (9):e530. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000640


Bätza, H. J., C. Bunzenthal, James H. Cox, A. R. Fooks, J. Frost, A. Hoeflechner, D. Marston, A. Neubert, L. Neubert, S. Revilla-Fernandez, E. Vanek, A. Vos, E. Wodak, K. Zimmer, Thomas Mu?ller, Aline Maksimov, Conrad Martin Freuling, Lutz Geue, and Thomas C. Mettenleiter, (2009) Analysis of vaccine-virus-associated rabies cases in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) after oral rabies vaccination campaigns in Germany and Austria. Archives of Virology 154 (7):1081-1091. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000772


Zanoni, R., D. Marston, L. McElhinney, N. Johnson, A. R. Fooks, N. Tordo, Lutz Geue, Susann Schares, Christina Schnick, Jeannette Kliemt, Aline Maksimov, Conrad Martin Freuling, Franz Josef Conraths, Bernd Hoffmann, and Thomas Müller, (2008) Genetic characterisation of attenuated SAD rabies virus strains used for oral vaccination of wildlife. Vaccine 26 (26):3227-3235. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00000929


Thulke, H.H., D. Eisinger, Thomas Selhorst, and Thomas Müller, (2008) Scenario-analysis Evaluating Emergency Strategies after Rabies Re-introduction. In Towards the elimination of rabies in Eurasia : Joint OIE/WHO/EU International Conference, Paris, May 2007: Proceedings. Pp. 265-272. Basel [u.a.]: Karger. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001685


Rupprecht, C.E., J. Barrett, D. Briggs, F. Cliquet, A.R. Fooks, B. Lumlertdacha, F.X. Meslin, Thomas Müller, L.H. Nel, C. Schneider, N. Tordo, and A.I. Wandeler, (2008) Can Rabies Be Eradicated? In Towards the elimination of rabies in Eurasia : Joint OIE/WHO/EU International Conference, Paris, May 2007: Proceedings. Pp. 95-122. Basel [u.a.]: Karger. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001673


McElhinney, L. M., D. A. Marston, S. Stankov, C. Tu, C. Black, N. Johnson, Y. Jiang, N. Tordo, Thomas Müller, and A. R. Fooks, (2008) Molecular Epidemiology of Lyssaviruses in Eurasia. In Towards the elimination of rabies in Eurasia : Joint OIE/WHO/EU International Conference, Paris, May 2007: Proceedings. Pp. 125-131. Basel [u.a.]: Karger. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001660

Johnson, N., Conrad Martin Freuling, A. Vos, H. Un, R. Valtchovski, M. Turcitu, F. Dumistrescu, V. Vuta, R. Velic, V. Sandrac, O. Aylan, Thomas Müller, and A. R. Fooks, (2008) Epidemiology of Rabies in Southeast Europe. In Towards the elimination of rabies in Eurasia : Joint OIE/WHO/EU International Conference, Paris, May 2007: Proceedings. Pp. 189-198. Basel [u.a.]: Karger. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001653


Freuling, Conrad Martin, Thomas Selhorst, H.J. Bätza, and Thomas Müller, (2008a) The financial challenge of keeping a large region rabies-free - the EU example. In Towards the elimination of rabies in Eurasia : Joint OIE/WHO/EU International Conference, Paris, May 2007: Proceedings. Pp. 273-282. Basel [u.a.]: Karger. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001640


Freuling, Conrad Martin, N. Johnson, D. Marston, Thomas Selhorst, Lutz Geue, A.R. Fooks, N. Tordo, and Thomas Müller, (2008b) A random grid based molecular epidemiological study on EBLV isolates from Germany. In Towards the elimination of rabies in Eurasia : Joint OIE/WHO/EU International Conference, Paris, May 2007: Proceedings. Pp. 301-309. Basel [u.a.]: Karger. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/fimport_mods_00001639


Vos, A., I. Kaipf, A. Denzinger, A.R. Fooks, N. Johnson, and T. Müller, (2007) European bat lyssaviruses - an ecological enigma. Acta Chiropterologica 9 (1):283-296. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00009750


Turcitu, M., H. Coste, G. Barboi, Thomas Müller, Conrad Martin Freuling, N. Johnson, F. Dumitrescu, V. Vuta, M. Vanghele, R. Cioranu, and R. Motiu, (2007) Genetic variabilitiy analysis of rabies virus serotype 1 in Romania. Revista romana de medicina veterinara 17:59-66. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00011286


Müller, T., N. Johnson, C.M. Freuling, A.R. Fooks, T. Selhorst, and A. Vos, (2007) Epidemiology of bat rabies in Germany. Archives of Virology 152 (2):273-288. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00009770


Marston, D.A., L.M. Mcelhinney, N. Johnson, T. Müller, K.K. Conzelmann, N. Tordo, and A.R. Fooks, (2007) Comparative analysis of the full genome sequence of European bat lyssavirus type 1 and type 2 with other lyssaviruses and evidence for a conserved transcription termination and polyadenylation motif in the G-L 3 ' non-translated region. Journal of General Virology 88:1302-1314. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00011085


Kucinskaite, I., M. Juozapaitis, A. Serva, A. Zvirbliene, N. Johnson, J. Staniulis, A.R. Fooks, T. Müller, K. Sasnauskas, and R.G. Ulrich, (2007) Antigenic characterisation of yeast-expressed lyssavirus nucleoproteins. Virus Genes 35 (3):521-529. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00012152


Johnson, N., C. Freuling, D.A. Marston, N. Tordo, A.R. Fooks, and T. Müller, (2007a) Identification of European bat lyssavirus isolates with short genomic insertions. Virus Research 128 (1-2):140-143. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00012159


Johnson, N., A.R. Fooks, R. Valtchovski, and T. Müller, (2007b) Evidence for trans-border movement of rabies by wildlife reservoirs between countries in the Balkan Peninsular. Veterinary Microbiology 120 (1-2):71-76. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00012096


Johnson, N., A. Dicker, T. Mork, D.A. Marston, A.R. Fooks, M. Tryland, E. Fuglei, and T. Müller, (2007c) Phylogenetic comparison of rabies viruses from disease outbreaks on the Svalbard Islands. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 7 (3):457-460. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00012074


Freuling, C., T. Selhorst, A. Kliemt, and T. Müller, (2007a) Rabies surveillance in Europe, 2004-2007. Rabies Bulletin Europe 31 (4):7-8. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00011283


Freuling, C., Ernst Grossmann, Astrid Schameitat, Jeannette Kliemt, Ernst Auer, and T. Müller, (2007b) EBLV-2 infection confirmed in a Daubenton's bat in Germany. Rabies Bulletin Europe 31 (3):5-5. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00011277


Selhorst, T., T. Müller, and H.-J. Bätza, (2006) Epidemiological analysis of setbacks in oral vaccination in the final stage of fox rabies elimination in densely populated areas in Germany. Developments in Biologicals 125:127-132. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00012325


Müller, T., T. Selhorst, J. Burow, A. Schameitat, and A. Vos, (2006a) Cross reactive antigenicity in orally vaccinated foxes and raccoon dogs against European Bat Lyssavirus type 1 and 2. Developments in Biologicals 125:195-204. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00012323


Müller, Thomas, Conrad Martin Freuling, Thomas Selhorst, and Rainer G. Ulrich, (2006b) Tollwut - Ende in Sicht. Pirsch : das aktuelle Jagdmagazin - seit über 60 Jahren 58 (14):8-13. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00000957


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Müller, T., and C. Freuling, (2006) Zu Fragen der Fledermaustollwut. Nyctalus  (2-3):190-197. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00002433


McElhinney, L.M., D. Marston, N. Johnson, C. Black, O. Matouch, D. Lalosevic, S. Stankov, K. Must, M. Smreczak, J.F. Zmudzinski, A. Botvinkin, O. Aylan, E. Vanek, F. Cliquet, T. Müller, and A.R. Fooks, (2006) Molecular Epidemiology of Rabies Viruses in Europe. Developments in Biologicals 125:17-28. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00012322


Freuling, C., D. Kloess, R. Schröder, and T. Müller, (2006) Rabies Bulletin Europe - new web-based rabies information system for Europe. Rabies Bulletin Europe 30 (1):8-11. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00012677


Ulrich, Rainer, Anke Kliemt, Thomas Selhorst, and Thomas Müller, (2005) Tollwut in Europa. Beiträge zur Jagd- und Wildforschung 30:289-301. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00005633


Selhorst, T., T. Müller, H. P. Schwermer, M. Ziller, and H. Schlüter, (2005) Use of an Area Index to retrospectively analyze the elimination of fox rabies in European Countries. Environmental management 35 (3):292-302. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00013369


Müller, T., T. Selhorst, and C. Pötzsch, (2005) Rabies in Germany – an update. Eurosurveillance 5 (4):229. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00013397


Müller, T., (2005a) Schluckimpfung für Füchse : Interview mit Dr. Thomas Müller "Brandenburg ist tollwutfrei". Märker. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00013054


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Eisinger, D., H. H. Thulke, Thomas Selhorst, and Thomas Müller, (2005) Emergency vaccination of rabies under limited resources - combating or containing? BMC Infectious Diseases  (5):10. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00013322


Vos, A., A. Sutor, T. Selhorst, S. Schwarz, C. Pötzsch, C. Staubach, and T. Müller, (2004a) The spatial and temporal disappearance of different oral rabies vaccine baits. Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 117 (9/10):360-366. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00014226


Vos, A., T. Müller, L. Neubert, A. Zurbriggen, C. Botteron, D. Pöhle, H. Schoon, L. Haas, and A. C. Jackson, (2004b) Rabies in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) Experimentally Infected with European Bat Lyssavirus Type 1. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B 51 (7):327-332. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00016242


Vos, A., T. Müller, J. Cox, L. Neubert, and A. R. Fooks, (2004c) Susceptibility of Ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) to Experimentally Induced Rabies with European Bat Lyssaviruses (EBLV). Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B 51 (2):55-60. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00016241


Thulke, H. H., T. Selhorst, T. Müller, T. Wyszomirski, U. Müller, and U. Breitenmoser, (2004) Assessing anti-rabies baiting - what happens on the ground? BMC Infectious Diseases 4. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00014232


Müller, W., J. Cox, and T. Müller, (2004a) Rabies in Germany, Denmark and Austria. In Historical perspective of rabies in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. A.A. King, A.R. Fooks, M. Aubert, and A.I. Wandeler, eds. Pp. 79-91. Paris: OIE.


Müller, T., J. Cox, W. Peter, R. Schäfer, N. Johnson, L. M. McElhinney, J. L. Geue, K. Tjornehoj, and A. R. Fooks, (2004b) Spill-over of European Bat Lyssavirus Type 1 into a Stone Marten (Martes foina) in Germany. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B 51 (2):49-54. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00016240


Weber, A., B. Keller, H. Berg, W. Schmahl, J. Süss, and Thomas Müller, (2003) Fallbericht: Tollwut bei einem aus Aserbeidschan importierten, geimpften Hund. Der praktische Tierarzt 84 (12):912-914. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00017053


Vos, A., U. Schaarschmidt, A. Muluneh, and T. Müller, (2003) Origin of maternally transferred antibodies against rabies in foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Veterinary Record 153 (1):16-18. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00017597


Müller, Thomas, James H. Cox, W. Müller, Carsten Jochen Pötzsch, and Franz Josef Conraths 2003 Fledermaustollwut - (k)ein Problem? Schwerpunktthema: Zoonosen : 25. Kongress in Berlin vom 3. bis 4. April 2003, 2003, pp. 78. DVG.


Cliquet, F., T. Müller, F. Mutinelli, S. Geronutti, B. Brochier, T. Selhorst, J. L. Schereffer, N. Krafft, J. Burow, A. Schameitat, H. Schlüter, and M. Aubert, (2003) Standardisation and establishment of a rabies ELISA test in European laboratories for assessing the efficacy of oral fox vaccination campaigns. Vaccine 21 (21-22):2986-2993. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00017580


Schaarschmidt, U., T. Müller, G. Albert, A. Muluneh, J. Cox, T. Selhorst, and H. Schlüter, (2002) Erfahrungen mit der Begleitdiagnostik zur oralen Immunisierung der Füchse in Sachsen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung einer standardisierten Tollwutserologie. Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 109 (5):219-225. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00018278


Pötzsch, Carsten Jochen, Thomas Müller, and Matthias Kramer, (2002) Summarizing the Rabies Situation in Europe 1990-2002 from the Rabies Bulletin Europe. Rabies Bulletin Europe 26 (4):11-17. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00017432


Müller, T., T. Selhorst, P. Schuster, A. Vos, U. Wenzel, and A. Neubert, (2002) Kinetics of maternal immunity against abies in fox cubs (Vulpes vulpes). BMC Infectious Diseases 2. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00017931


Vos, A., A. Neubert, E. Pommerening, T. Müller, L. Dohner, L. Neubert, and K. Hughes, (2001a) Immunogenicity of an E1-deleted recombinant human adenovirus against rabies by different routes of administration. Journal of General Virology 82:2191-2197. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00019335


Vos, A., T. Müller, T. Selhorst, P. Schuster, A. Neubert, and H. Schlüter, (2001b) Optimising spring oral vaccination campaigns of foxes against rabies. Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 108 (2):55-59. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00019237


Vos, A., T. Müller, P. Schuster, T. Selhorst, and U. Wenzel, (2001c) Maternal immunity against rabies in raccoon dogs. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 49 (3):291-294. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00019115


Selhorst, T., H. H. Thulke, and T. Müller, (2001) Cost-efficient vaccination of foxes (Vulpes vulpes) against rabies and the need for a new baiting strategy. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 51 (1-2):95-109. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00019435


Schuster, P., T. Müller, A. Vos, T. Selhorst, L. Neubert, and E. Pommerening, (2001) Comparative immunogenicity and efficacy studies with oral rabies virus vaccine SAD P5/88 in raccoon dogs and red foxes. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 49 (3):285-290. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00019114


Neubert, A., P. Schuster, T. Müler, A. Vos, and E. Pommerening, (2001) Immunogenicity and efficacy of the oral rabies vaccine SAD B19 in foxes. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B 48 (3):179-183. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00019338


Müller, T., A. Vos, T. Selhorst, U. Stiebling, K. Tackmann, P. Schuster, A. Neubert, F. J. Conraths, and H. Schlüter, (2001a) Is it possible to orally vaccinate juvenile red foxes against rabies in spring campaigns? Journal of Wildlife Diseases 37 (4):791-797. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00019268


Müller, T., P. Schuster, A. C. Vos, T. Selhorst, U. D. Wenzel, and A. M. Neubert, (2001b) Effect of maternal immunity on the immune response to oral vaccination against rabies in young foxes. American Journal of Veterinary Research 62 (7):1154-1158. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00019119


Müller, T., J. Cox, W. Peter, R. Schäfer, P. Bodamer, U. Wulle, J. Burow, and W. Müller, (2001c) Infection of a Stone Marten with European Bat Lyssa Virus (EBL1). Rabies Bulletin Europe 25 (3):9-11. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00019454


Estrada, R., A. Vos, R. De Leon, and Thomas Müller, (2001) Field trial with oral vaccination of dogs against rabies in the Philippines. BMC Infectious Diseases 1:23. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00019157


Vos, A., T. Müller, K. Tackmann, P. Schuster, and A. Neubert, (2000a) Studies on the residual pathogenicity of SAD P5/88 rabies vaccine in small mammals. Infectious Disease Review 2 (3):128-132. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00020213


Vos, A., T. Müller, P. Schuster, H. Schlüter, and A. Neubert, (2000b) Oral vaccination of foxes against rabies with SAD B19 in Europe, 1983 - 1998, A review. Veterinary Bulletin 70 (1):1-6. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00020455


Thulke, H. H., L. Tischendorf, C. Staubach, T. Selhorst, F. Jeltsch, T. Müller, H. Schluter, and C. Wissel, (2000) The spatio-temporal dynamics of a post-vaccination resurgence of rabies in foxes and emergency vaccination planning. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 47 (1-2):1-21. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00020397


Selhorst, T., (2000) Improving the oral immunization of foxes (Vulpes vulpes) against rabies with the help of an evolutionary algorithm. Ecological Modelling 129 (2-3):297-305. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00020185


Müller, W., (2000) Review of rabies case data in Europe to the WHO Collaborating Centre Tübingen from 1977 to 2000. Rabies Bulletin Europe 24 (4):11.


Müller, T., and H. Schlüter, (2000) Tollwut - Eine überschätzte Gefahr? Der Hund  (11):82-83. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00020152


Vos, A., A. Neubert, O. Aylan, P. Schuster, E. Pommerening, T. Müller, and D. C. Chivatsi, (1999) An update on safety studies of SAD B19 rabies virus vaccine in target and non-target species. Epidemiology and Infection 123 (1):165-175. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00021202


Selhorst, T., and T. Müller, (1999) An evaluation of the efficiency of rabies control strategies in fox (Vulpes vulpes) populations using a computer simulation program. Ecological Modelling 124 (2-3):221-232. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00021192


Müller, W. W., and A. H. Neuhaus, (1999) Tollwut- Impfung fortsetzen? Wild und Hund 22:12-12.


Mebatsion, T., F. Weiland, and K. K. Conzelmann, (1999) Matrix protein of rabies virus is responsible for the assembly and budding of bullet-shaped particles and interacts with the transmembrane spike glycoprotein G. Journal of Virology 73 (1):242-250. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00021263


Tischendorf, L., H. H. Thulke, C. Staubach, M. S. Müller, F. Jeltsch, J. Goretzki, T. Selhorst, T. Müller, H. Schlüter, and C. Wissel, (1998) Chance and risk of controlling rabies in large-scale and long-term immunized fox populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London / Series B, Biological sciences 265 (1399):839-846. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00022721


Thulke, H. H., L. Tischendorf, C. Staubach, V. Grimm, F. Jeltsch, M. S. Mller, T. Mller, T. Selhorst, J. Goretzki, H. Schlter, and C. Wissel, (1998) Vom ökologischen Modell zum Management: Einblicke in die Dynamik des Fuchs-Tollwut-Systems. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 28:263-272. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00022779


Müller, W. W., T. Güzel, O. Aylan, C. Kaya, J. H. Cox, and L. Schneider, (1998a) The feasibility of oral vaccination of dogs in Turkey - A European Union supported project. Journal of Etlik Veterinary Micriobiology : Special Issue  (9):61-71. 50


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Ceccaldi, P. E., J. Fayet, K. K. Conzelmann, and H. Tsiang, (1998) Infection characteristics of rabies virus variants with deletion or insertion in the pseudogene sequence. Journal for Neurovirology 4 (1):115-119. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00022471


Thulke, H. H., L. Tischendorf, C. Staubach, T. Müller, and H. Schlüter, (1997a) Simulation based investigations on the consequences of changed rabies spreading within immunised fox population. Epidemiologie et sante Animale  (31-32):01.02.1-01.02.3. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00023121


Thulke, H. H., C. Staubach, L. Tischendorf, M. S. Müller, and H. Schlüter, (1997b) Neue Antworten auf die Frage der weiteren Tollwutbekämpfung in Deutschland. Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 104 (11):492-495. https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00023082


Selhorst, T., and H. Schlüter, (1997) Cost-benefit analysis of the oral immunization strategy for the control of rabies in fox populations. Epidemiol. Sante Animale 31-32:10.20.1 - 10.20.3. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00019435


Schlüter, H., T. Müller, C. Staubach, and A. Fröhlich, (1997) Rabies control in central Europe - results after more than 10 years of oral immunization of foxes. Epidemiologie et sante Animale:01.01.1  - 01.01.3. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00023114


Müller, W. W., (1997) Where do we stand with oral vaccination of foxes against rabies in Europe? Archives of Virology 13:83-94. https://openagrar.bmel-forschung.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00023048


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