Rabies - Bulletin - Europe

WHO Collaborating Centre for Rabies Surveillance & Research


Imprint according to German regulations (§ 6 TDG and § 10 Mediendienstestaatsvertrag)

Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute - represented by the president
Prof. Dr. Christa Kühn

Address: WHO Collaborating Centre for Rabies Research and Surveillance
Director: Dr. Thomas Müller
Institute of Molecular Virology and Cell Biology,
Südufer 10
17493 Greifswald - Insel Riems
Contact and
Dr. Conrad Freuling, Editor
Südufer 10
17493 Greifswald - Insel Riems
Tel.: +49-38351-7-1660
Fax: +49-38351-7-1174
Mail: who-rabies@fli.de
Portal management: Ronald Schröder
Technical assistance: Patrick Wysocki

Legal form: The Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute is an independent public authority under the Tierseuchengesetz (Animal Infectious Disease Act)

VAT Nr.: DE 881 354 798
Tax Nr.: 084/144/02721  

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